How Transcription Can Empower Journalists to Deliver Compelling Stories

How transcription services are empowering journalists to deliver compelling stories. A blog post by OutSec the UK's leading online transcription company

Transcription services are becoming increasingly popular among journalists as they help them write compelling stories. Journalists of course make audio recordings almost every day.

They might interview a subject, be present at a live event, do “notes to self” as they dictate a quick voice memo so they do not forget anything before returning to the office. Many journalists will tell you that transcription is one of the worst parts of the profession. And it’s easy to understand why. Audio is unwieldy to navigate when creating a written article. If a journalist tries to transcribe it, the time it takes is several times longer than the duration of the recording

There are several benefits of using professional transcription services for journalists.

Better Story Telling:

One of the main benefits is that it helps journalists make a story better. This is because they can focus on crafting prose that packs a punch, not on checking and rechecking their hand-typed transcript for personal errors. With a written record, journalists can analyse the nuances, emotions, and context behind the speaker’s words. Transcription empowers them to craft compelling narratives by highlighting the subtleties within conversations or speeches that might have been missed otherwise.

Help with Deadlines:

Another benefit is that transcripts help journalists meet short deadlines. Journalists often have short deadlines, and transcribing a large amount of audio can be quite time-consuming. By using a professional transcription service, journalists can get their transcripts back quicker. Transcribing interviews saves valuable time for journalists as they do not have to pause repeatedly to note down quotes or extract relevant information during the interview itself.

Removes Districtions:

It enables journalists to listen to the interviewee without having the distraction of taking notes or shorthand. This allows them to focus more on actively listening and asking those all important, thought-provoking questions.

Provides an Accurate Record of Interview:

Professional transcription services also provide an accurate written record of an interview. Taking notes alone or trying to type out the audio word for word can be difficult and time-consuming. Using professional transcription services enables journalists to have an accurate written record of the interview. Transcribing interviews or speeches ensures that journalists have an exact record of what was said, allowing them to accurately quote and attribute information to their sources. This adds credibility and enhances the overall quality of their stories.

Better Analysis of Data:

Transcription allows journalists to easily analyse and search through large amounts of data. They can identify patterns, gather trends, and extract relevant information, making it easier to uncover unique story angles and insights.

Accessible and Portable Work:

Having the spoken word transcribed into text allows journalists to work from anywhere and at any time. It enables them to easily review and reference information without relying on audio or video recordings, making their work more accessible and convenient.


Transcriptions enable easy sharing and collaboration among journalists and editors. Multiple team members can review and work with the same text, facilitating efficient discussions, fact-checking, and collective idea generation.

Clarity in Complex Topics:

When reporting on complex subjects, transcription helps journalists organise and simplify their understanding of the topic. By transcribing interviews with experts or industry leaders, they can better comprehend intricate concepts, ensuring accurate representation in their stories.

Language and Accent Clarification:

Transcription aids journalists in accurately portraying individuals from diverse backgrounds or with different accents. It helps ensure accurate representation and avoids misunderstandings that might arise due to language or pronunciation barriers.

Improved Accuracy and Fact-checking:

Transcriptions provide a written record that facilitates fact-checking and ensures the accuracy of the information published. Journalists can refer back to the transcript to verify details, reducing the risk of errors or misquoting.

Increased Productivity:

Journalists can repurpose transcriptions for various purposes, such as creating social media snippets, articles, or podcasts. By leveraging transcriptions as a resource, journalists can save time and effort in content creation, allowing them to focus on delivering engaging and captivating stories

About OutSec

OutSec is the UK’s leading online transcription company whose business has grown substantially since 2002. We are one of the most successful transcription companies in the United Kingdom.

OutSec provides secure outsourced transcription services to the medicallegalproperty and surveyinguniversitiesmedia and interviewsadvisory boards, conferences & seminarsinventoriesfinancialcorporateHR, recruitment and Executive Search sectors.

Why is Dictation More Efficient than Typing?

Well, the simple fact is that we can all speak considerably faster than we can physically type:

“The average person types between 38 and 40 words per minute”.

A “good rate of speech ranges between 140 -160 words per minute.

In other words, dictation is up to four times faster than we can type. Therefore, simply dictating a document is more cost-efficient, giving you more time to dedicate your efforts elsewhere in your business.

Therefore why not add OutSec as a business continuity option for your business? Accounts are free, you pay on a per-minute basis (rounded to the nearest minute) on a pay-as-you-go basis, with no contracts or minimum spend. What do you have to lose? Why not open an account today!

Picture Attribution:

Image by pch.vector on Freepik

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