OutSec’s Top Tips to Increase Productivity

OutSec's Top Tips for Productivity. A Blog Post by OutSec the UK's leading online transcription company

There is one thing in life we all know rings true: time does means money. Time is so easy to waste, as we all know if you have ever mindlessly scrolled through social media or even TV channels, trying to find something to read or watch. However, for a business, time is a commodity which is expensive. It is also limited to its working day.  So, what are the keys to increasing productivity?

Well, read on, as we give you our top tips!

Remove Distractions

We know it is hard to remove all distractions from your working day. So, try and remove distractions you can control to try and increase productivity.  So, for example:


We know, you know. who we are talking about here. Just like we know you are visualising them now in your mind. Are we right?  Spooky isn’t it!

There is always one or two people we know it is hard to escape from, or not get into a conversation with at work. Now, we are not saying not to socialise at work.  That is important too.  However, when you are busy, sometimes you just need to say just that. IIf you have an important deadline, why not ask the colleague to come and talk to you over lunch or when you next have a break. Or why not ask them to give you a hand (if they can). They will understand.


If you do just one thing in terms of removing distractions, we would say turning off your phone during the working day is one way, to remove one very large distraction.

If you cannot turn it off for various reasons, simple things like turning off all unimportant notifications can be a big help to stop it from distracting you needlessly.

Another way of removing it as a distraction is to place your phone in your desk drawer whilst working.

If you have bought a phone recently, then you may have access to “focus mode” on Android or iOS.  If so, the links should help you use it effectively.  Use focus mode to stop work apps from encroaching on your free time with notifications after work.  So it could be a useful win, win for all.

Web Browser

Limit your web browsing use. Only have tabs open that you need for work.

Computer Applications & Programs

Remember the adage: a tidy desk is a tidy mind? Well, why not apply it to your computer desktop?

One way to remove distractions is to only run applications or programs that you need. Not only will it keep your desktop looking tidy but will ensure your device is running quicker, by not running unnecessary programs or apps in the background.

The other option is to try some distraction-blocking software such as Dewo.

Take Breaks

We all know taking regular breaks improves concentration. One effective way of accomplishing this is to try the Pomodoro Technique to help you be more productive.

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

According to Wikipedia:

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It uses a kitchen timer to break work into intervals, typically 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. Each interval is known as a pomodoro, from the Italian word for tomato, after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer Cirillo used as a university student.

There are apps out there that can act as a Pomodoro timer ensuring that you are notified when your concentration time is up and when you need to have a break.  Remember that sitting for long periods is also bad for your health, so why not use your Pomodoro break to stand up and move thereby improving concentration and health in one go.

Avoid Multitasking

Contrary to popular belief, us human beings were never meant to multitask. To illustrate this fact “One study found that just 2.5% of people are able to multitask effectively“. That means for most of us, multitasking isn’t one of our greatest traits. Indeed, according to the Cleveland Clinic multitasking also affects productivity:

“Studies show that when our brain is constantly switching gears to bounce back and forth between tasks – especially when those tasks are complex and require our active attention – we become less efficient and more likely to make a mistake”.

So, where possible, avoid multitasking at all costs.  Simply, concentrate on one task at a time and get through that task before moving on to the next.

Reduce Time Wasting Activities

We know this one sounds obvious. But there are a number of productivity killers which can affect us all in the workplace.  Here are some of the frequent ones for employers to watch out for:


It is fair to say you need to avoid having meetings about meetings, for meetings’ sake. Whilst some meetings in a work context are necessary, some are not.  Having too many meetings, too many people attending or not having a clear and concise agenda (with time limits) can make meetings a very large time-wasting and costly activity. So employers, keep them short and concise.  Remember to only invite those that need to attend.

An exception to this rule on the meeting front, however, is one-to-one meetings.  These meetings enable employees to share their ideas with their manager or boss. They also enable employees to discuss productivity and how the employee could improve productivity.  Also, these meetings enable employees to discuss any challenges they are facing.  It is here, that an employer might bring some insight or solution to the employee, in terms of any challenge being faced.  For an employer, an employee’s insight on issues in terms of tasks or processes might flag to the employer areas where productivity might be improved.

Lack of Organisation

Businesses are meant to be organised. What you do not want, or need within a business, is disorganisation and chaos. Disorganisation means employees are wasting time looking for what they need. It can result in poor customer service.

If an employee is disorganised and lacks organisational skills, it can mean they are forgetting tasks that they should be doing.  Alternatively,  it could mean they are not finishing tasks on time. This ultimately leads to an employer not trusting its employee or  an employer having to micro manage.  This is simply because the employer will not know whether a task will be done successfully (or done at all).  At the end of the day, this all amounts to additional risk for a business.  This is especially true where the said employee is responsible for critical areas of the business that is needed to run smoothly.

In the article, “The Effect of Poor Organizational Skills” it discusses the effect for the employee:

“Being disorganized can hinder your ability to get where you want to be professionally, decrease your productivity, cost your employer time and money, and can even be bad for your physical and mental health”.

According to the same article, poor organisation skill results in:

“…a failure to prioritize assignments, complete projects on time and prepare your day-to-day activities. In turn, your poor organizational and time management habits may come with an expensive price tag to your employer”.

Knock on Effect To Other Employees

This rings true as having a team member who lacks organisational skills, can have a negative impact on others within a team in your organisation. It can affect productivity, cause low morale, demoralisation and even stress for other members of the team. This can be due to things not being implemented within timelines (or at all) which could affect the performance of other team members and increase their workloads.

The old adage ‘one bad apple, spoils the bunch’, rings true here. According to the article “Dealing with Barriers to Effective Team Work” on Lumen: “Poor team composition can lead to delays, higher costs, and increased risk” for the employer.

So, if you are an employee and know you lack organisational skills, I hope this article is useful.  Why not be proactive and ask your employer for training in this regard if you are struggling.

If you are an employer and know an employee lacks the necessary organisational skills, you will need to keep a tight reign and micro manage the employee until the issue has been resolved.  Why not put training in place to deal with the issue.  If it continues or is affecting productivity or staff morale, then action, of course, is needed.  Remember, sometimes a bad apple needs trimming from the tree.


There are always jobs or tasks at work we do not like. As humans it is natural for us to like certain tasks and hate others.  That does not mean we can always cherry pick and choose what we have to do. Sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns, and get them done and out of the way.

Therefore, if a job or task is making you want to put it off until tomorrow, try the five-minute rule. It is simple. By promising yourself that you will dedicate just five minutes on an outstanding task, you stop a lot of the excuses you had for starting it.  So why not give it a whirl?  It will certainly help your productivity and get some of those awful jobs out of the way at the same time!

Block Out Time in Your Diary/Calendar

Blocking out time for you to do a task or a block of tasks, is sometimes necessary to get the most important tasks done.  Therefore, if you need the time, then simply block it out of your diary or calendar.  If there are tasks you do daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly, then schedule that time into your diary or calendar to ensure you get them done.

If you do not have a physical diary, why not use a calendar or a reminder app?  A good example would be, Microsoft To Do. You can track what needs to be done on specific days and times.

It is great for those tasks which you do daily, monthly, weekly or yearly. Also for those which you need to do on a specific day or date.  You can even share tasks and reminders lists with colleagues too – so it is a win, win!

Workplace Communication

Workplace communication is essential for employers and employees to work effectively together as a team and be productive.

“With great communication between employees and employers comes increased morale, productivity, and commitment, especially with employers who spend the time and energy to create open communication lines”.

Poor workplace communication can be a two-way street.  Poor communication can lead to demoralisation, less effective collaboration, workplace conflict and low morale.  So remember to always communicate clearly and effectively.  Employers remember that one-to-one meetings with your direct reports are important (see above).  These meetings are good for conveying top down company approaches or visions.

Use Dictation to Save Time & Money

The dawn of the computer, saw businesses think by giving everyone a computer would save them costs.  Afterall, by doing so, you no longer needed to employ staff to type documents, emails, and letters etc. However, nothing could be further from the truth!  In fact typing yourself is four times less efficient than dictating a document!

So why dictation is more efficient? Well it is for the simple fact that we can all speak faster than we can type.  But do not take our word for it, just look at the stats:

“The average person types between 38 and 40 words per minute”.

A “good rate of speech ranges between 140-160 words per minute.”

This means that dictation is up to four times faster than typing a document yourself.  Meaning it is far more productive to simply dictate a document than type one yourself.

So why not dictate your thoughts, ideas, to-do lists, file notes, attendance notes, letters, blog posts, emails and documents? This can save time as most of us find it more convenient to talk rather than type or write in any event. This enables you to record your thoughts and ideas when they occur to you.

OutSec Speak App

Improve your productivity in one easy step. Simply record your dictation on your smartphone using the OutSec Speak App.

Send Your Recorded Notes for Transcription

Once you have recorded your notes, you can send your dictation direct to OutSec from the OutSec Speak App to have the files professionally transcribed.  You will receive your completed transcription via the OutSec app or via OutSec’s secure FileManager website.  This also saves businesses money, as there is no need to employ typing staff (and the costs of employment).

Use Productivity Apps

Here are some productivity apps which can help you get things organised to get things done more effectively:

•          Microsoft To Do

•          OutSec Speak App

•          Microsoft OneNote

•          Dropbox

•          Trello

•          Microsoft Teams

Why not give them a go.

About OutSec

OutSec is the UK’s leading online transcription company whose business has grown substantially since 2002. We are one of the most successful transcription companies in the United Kingdom.

OutSec provides secure outsourced transcription services to the medicallegalproperty and surveyinguniversitiesmedia and interviewsadvisory boards, conferences & seminarsinventoriesfinancialcorporateHR, recruitment and Executive Search sectors.

Why is Dictation More Efficient than Typing?

Well, the simple fact is that we can all speak considerably faster than we can physically type:

“The average person types between 38 and 40 words per minute”.

A “good rate of speech ranges between 140 -160 words per minute.

In other words, dictation is up to four times faster than we can type. Therefore, simply dictating a document is more cost-efficient, giving you more time to dedicate your efforts elsewhere in your business.

Therefore why not add OutSec as a business continuity option for your business? Accounts are free, you pay on a per-minute basis (rounded to the nearest minute) on a pay-as-you-go basis, with no contracts or minimum spend. What do you have to lose? Why not open an account today!

Picture Attribution:

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik

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